We have one million
children in school with
dyslexia in the UK.
1 in 10 Dyslexia in a non profit organisation dedicated to ensuring that every child with dyslexia receives the support they need to thrive. We collaborate and train teachers, provide workshops, and raise awareness to create inclusive learning environments. Additionally, we advocate for government action to drive meaningful, lasting change in education and beyond.
Did you know
1 in 10 people
are Dyslexic?
That means 1 in 10 children going through our educational system are dyslexic.
Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects reading, writing, and spelling? It is a lifelong neurological difference that often runs in families.
Once a person has been formally identified as dyslexic, they are considered to have a recognised disability covered by the Equality Act 2010?
In Our News
How can you help?
Early identification coupled with targeted teaching strategies can significantly improve academic outcomes, self-esteem and mental health among these children.
We call upon our education system and government to implement specialist dyslexic teachers in every UK state primary school across the nation and provide free diagnostic assessments for all children suspected of having this learning disability.
Lets champion these little genius’s and help them reach their goals!
Dyslexic people see the world differently, often more creatively. They are the ones more likely to make a difference in the world. What would the world be without Einstein, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Jackie Stewart?
40% of self made millionaires in the UK have been diagnosed with dyslexia. How much talent are we neglecting?
Please join us in advocating for better educational opportunities for all children affected by dyslexia.
“Its my ultimate goal that every state primary school has a specialist trained teacher. Early intervention is key.”
— Charlotte Noble, Founder